With the current state of the world, it can be hard to find ways to keep creative. I'm a little behind with this one given that everything is starting to open back up, but going forward social distancing is still going to remain important. These are also great ideas for anytime you're feeling like you're in a creative rut and I will definitely be doing these things more often going forward. Personally, I've been going through waves of creativity where I'll have a few ideas, maybe do one or two, and then tap out for a few days. This is okay. It's important to grant ourselves and each other a little bit of grace during all of this. Most people don't thrive in environments like this and we can't expect them to. Here are some things that I've been doing to stay inspired and keep shooting while in my home.

1. You are your own model

I've always played around with self-portraits when I'm bored, but with a need to keep creating content during quarantine I started taking them a little more seriously. There are some ideas you just can't form into words, but when photographing yourself you don't have to. When I decided I wanted to use CDs for a shoot, I didn't have anybody around that could model for me and it worked out because the images I was imagining would have been really hard to articulate.

2. Location, location, location

Not having a photogenic location is probably one of the hardest things for me to wrap my head around. Being stuck at home with a few daily walks has challenged me to break this mindset and see new photos in the things I see everyday. Since March, I've photographed my sisters in my living room, a friend on a walk around the neighborhood, a friend in the garage my dog and I in my bedroom, and (my favorite) myself in the bathroom. This one was actually for one of India Earl's inspiration challenges, and they've ended up some of my favorite photographs! Not to mention, the process of doing these has given me a million more ideas for little shoots around the house.

3. Let there be light (and shadow)

I have spent a long time afraid of direct light. During quarantine, I've begun playing more with direct light and shadows and creating some really dramatic shots I absolutely love.

4. Revisit Old Photographs

One thing I've spent some time doing is going through old shoots. I like to try and re-edit old photos occasionally and it really shows me how my shooting style has changed overtime, as well as how my personal presets look in different conditions. One thing I've been doing during this is watching some videos and learning a few new editing tricks, like how to add light rays in post.

The original edit I made in 2019

The new edit

Trying out some new techniques

5. Don't Pressure Yourself

Our reality is shifting right now. Shoot because you want to enjoy it, not because you feel pressured to be constantly creating new content in this new version of reality. I've been working on a lot of other things outside of shooting, from crafting to just spending some extra time outside. When I do shoot, I enjoy it because I'm not forcing myself to do something and then getting frustrated with the results.

If you use any of these suggestions, I would love to see them! Be sure to tag me on Instagram @sabrinaregier.

Stay healthy and happy shooting!