Last year when Taylor Swift released Lover, my roommates and I celebrated by having a first listen party. We waited all day to be able to listen to the album for the first time together. 3/4 of us are huge Taylor fans (and 1/4 is always supportive of our love), so we were of course over the moon when she unexpectedly released folklore. Although the album itself is beautiful, I was also really drawn to the photos that went along with it. They give me warm and cozy feelings of quiet afternoons. I've take photos of my roommates before, but we'd never really done a "photoshoot" together so I knew that I wanted to get them for this session. Coincidentally, the day of our folklore shoot lined up with the one year anniversary of Lover which made me really happy. I helped them style outfits and we went to the river just behind our apartments. Jules volunteered to wear a wool turtleneck in the middle of August which I am eternally grateful for because it really pulled the photos together. This whole shoot was very relaxed. We just had fun exploring, listening to folklore, and mimicking Taylor's poses for the album art. Editing it was really interesting because I got to try my best to match Beth Garrabrant's black and white photos (which I'm guessing are film). I really loved the results of this shoot, although I decided to make my black and white a little warmer than the originals. Make sure to scroll to the bottom for a behind the scenes video!

Behind the Scenes