When Erin reached out to me about shooting together I of course said yes, but with classes, Thanksgiving, and then finals we had such a hard time finding the time to do it. It honestly ended up working out though because when we finally got to shoot, the trees were looking beautiful. We'd been talking back and forth for a while about what kind of look we wanted to go for and she ended up buying this beautiful (and insanely cool) vintage coat off of Depop and we knew we wanted to use it for a rock and roll vibe. She found a corset top to go with it and wow does this outfit intimidate me in the best way. I'd told her I honestly just wanted to walk around the city and see what we found, so Erin and I met up in Midtown and just wandered, stopping whenever something caught our eye. It's been a while since I really walked around the city like that, so it was such a nice way to do this shoot and the perfect way to start off winter break.